Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Stealth Cam DS4K Review


  • Just 4K video trail camera available 
  • Magnificent video quality in 1440p and 1080p 
  • Mind boggling battery life
  • Quick trigger speed and great recuperation times


  • In 4K video mode, the recordings are shot in 15 outlines for each second

Trailcampro Analysis

The Stealth DS4K has gotten recognizable publicity as the initial 4K video trail camera. We should discover how it stacks up to the opposition.

1/12/18 Update: Stealth has discharged new firmware that ought to enhance the foggy day photographs. Testing uncovers that the foggy day photographs were settled by this refresh.This is the Best Dear Camera.

  • Picture Quality: 90/100
  • Photograph determination: 30 mpxl (inserted)
  • Video determination: 3840 x 2160 (4K) w/sound
  • Streak Type: Low Glow IR

The primary thing we should specify is the local determination of the Stealth DS4K is 16 megapixels. About each other camera available has a local determination between 2-5 mpxl (before advanced interjection). This enables you to zoom in nearer on pictures that would ordinarily pixelate quickly.

As we would like to think, the DS4K has the most reasonable shading palette for daytime photographs (and recordings). Shading is remarkable and consistent with life. The clearness of the focal point is surprising, paying little mind to whether the creature is close or a long way from the camera.

The firmware refresh definitely enhanced the obscure on daytime pictures. We never again observe obscure on moving articles (inside reason, obviously). This was a phenomenal refresh. Our example photographs (beneath) will have pictures pre and post refresh.

Night pictures have sufficient blaze extend, yet the edges of the photograph are darker than the inside. They have great differentiation, clearness, and extremely strong brightening. We have discovered the measure of obscuring during the evening to be reliable with most other low sparkle trailcams.

Video quality needs a clarification in light of this camera being advertised as and notwithstanding being named after 4K video quality. Indeed, this is a 4K video trail camera. Be that as it may, there is a noteworthy drawback to utilizing this camera in 4K.

In 4K mode, this camera can just shoot at 15 outlines for each second. This outcome is extremely uneven video quality.

In light of that, running the camera in 1440p or 1080p (at 30 outlines for each second) results in phenomenal, liquid trail camera recordings. Much the same as pictures, the daytime shading is the most sensible we have seen. It additionally utilizes a more standardized record measure for recordings. Consequently, our proposal is to utilize the Stealth DS4K in either 2560x1440 or 1920x1080 video determination.

Night recordings have great blaze range, lucidity, and complexity. Night recordings are among the best you will see from low shine trailcams.

*For the motivation behind the Stealth Cam DS4K Review, we are appraising the video quality in the 1080p determination.

Megapixel Ratings:

Previously, numerous individuals get mistook for the megapixel rating trail camera makers promote. Organizations blow up the mpxl rating to pull in eyes to their items. They do this through introduction, which carefully adds megapixels to a photograph without really enhancing the photo.

The most ideal approach to judge picture quality is to take a gander at genuine pictures. You will see this the most when you zoom in on a full-measure picture that a camera has taken. The points of interest of the photograph will seem dim or even digitized. This is ordinary, and not out of the ordinary.

* The Stealth DS4K has a local 16 mpxl determination. On the off chance that you set the camera to any photograph setting more than 16 mpxl, the camera will interject to meet that rating.
  • Battery Life: 95/100
  • Picture and Video Resting Power (on): 1.38 mW 
  • Picture Daytime/Nighttime Power Consumption: 1.98 Ws | 4.5 Ws
  • Video Daytime/Nighttime Power Consumption: 23.67 Ws | 74.81 Ws
  • Battery productivity is a major in addition to for the Stealth DS4k.

Picture Mode

On the off chance that this camera were to take 35-day and 35-night pictures like clockwork, the DS4K would most recent 15.6 months in the field on an arrangement of 12 AA Lithium Batteries. This is totally extraordinary.

Video Mode

On the off chance that this camera were to take 15-day and 15-night recordings (10-second recordings) like clockwork, it would most recent 3.4 months in the field on an arrangement of lithium batteries. This is exceptionally productive too.

  • Location Circuit: 82/100
  • Picture Trigger and Recovery Speed: 0.39 s. /2.7 s.
  • Video Trigger and Recovery Speed: 1.36 s. /2.9 s.
  • Location Range: 70 ft.

These location speeds are a consequence of an August (2017) firmware refresh Stealth discharged. Every one of the rates are snappy and respectable.

Discovery extend is 70 ft. By and large, this is an exceptionally proficient recognition circuit.

  • Nature of Design: 86/100
  • Measurements: 5.5" x 3.5" x 3.25" 
  • Battery Type: 12 AA Batteries
  • Outer Battery Jack: 12-Volt

Case Design

The DS4K feels burly and well-made to the touch. It is somewhat thicker than other Stealth models, however not an extensive camera using any and all means. The hook is anything but difficult to control and has the additional advantage of working with a Python bolt section to anchor the inside of the camera when utilizing a link bolt.

The battery plate discharges effortlessly and the batteries are anything but difficult to stack and empty. There is a strung embed on the base of the camera for a Slate River Mount. The DS4K can acknowledge SD cards up to 512 Gigs in memory.

Camera Setup

Setting the camera up in the custom mode is simple. Basically flip through the settings utilizing the up/down bolts and change your coveted settings. You can arrange your SD card in the settings, set a secret key, control IR splendor, and the PIR extend. It even has a begin/stop time. Setup is to a great degree simple.

At a camera at this cost extend, we would have anticipated that would see an inner watcher. Other than that, we don't have any protestations about the DS4K setup process.


We have had no issues with the Stealth DS4K and anticipate that it will be a dependable camera. In the case of something comes up, we will refresh this audit.

Stealth Cam DS4K Review Conclusion: 87/100

The DS4K is among the most adjusted, amazing low sparkle trail cameras available. Executioner battery life, simple programming, respectable identification speeds and great 1080p recordings make this a major victor.

We value Stealth's dynamic vision for 4K trail camera recordings, notwithstanding, because of the low 15 outlines for each second, we consider the 4K recordings to have almost no true common sense. Purchase this camera since it is an incredible 1440p video trail camera, not on account of it has 4K showcasing publicity.

Make the most of our audits? Kindly consider acquiring your next trail camera from us.

FAQ's: Trail Camera

Q: How would I see the photos?

A: There are various approaches to do this. Pictures/recordings are put away on the SD card you put in the camera.

View pictures on your PC. Connect the SD card to a work station or workstation by means of the inherent SD card peruser or utilize a USB peruser if your PC doesn't have one. This strategy works for most tablets too. With this strategy, we prescribe having two SD cards for each camera so you can swap them in the field.

View pictures on your cell phone. Pick between the iOS Reader for iPhones and the Android Reader. Telephone perusers require an application to get to the photographs, you can read more about these by means of the past connections.

Trail Camera Viewers. While more costly, handheld watchers are valuable on the off chance that you don't have a cell phone or run different trail cameras.

Q: Will this trail camera trigger on little creatures (flying creatures, rodents, and so on.)?

A: Trail cameras identify on a mix of warmth and development, along these lines, truly, little well evolved creatures will trigger the camera. Nonetheless, in the event that you are following littler warm-blooded well evolved creatures, we prescribe getting the camera closer to your objective. For best execution, put the camera in a territory that would empower picture location from 3 - 20 ft.

Q: Can creatures see the infrared glimmer on this camera?

A: This is to some degree questionable. People can't see the blaze as the nanometer range is above what the human eye can distinguish (that is the place the 940 originates from in the Dark Ops name). It's likewise considerably harder for a creature to see, yet that could rely upon the types of creature as various species see in various light ranges.

Q: Where would i be able to buy this camera?

A: From us! We would like to charm you with our extraordinary appeal, two-year guarantee, 90-day returns, free mainland U.S. delivery, and specialized aptitude. In the event that that isn't sufficient, we give you a 16 Gig SD card with this camera and you can call and bother us whenever.

Truly, however, we know you have a lot of alternatives of where to spend your well deserved cash. The web can be the wild, wild, west of pipe dream bargains. In the event that you work with us, we will make a special effort to ensure you are content with the camera you select and the administration we give you.

We are energetic about testing and checking on trail cameras, yet in particular, we are enthusiastic about treating our clients the correct way. We do things another way from what you have generally expected from other web retailers and we trust you give us the chance to demonstrate that to you.


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